Sunday, October 29, 2006


It turns out I'm not so good at this blogging thing. It's just another thing to procrastinate about, to castigate myself for, to feel less worthy for not doing well. So I probably should just stop - delete the damn thing, forget about it. But some part of me really wants to do it, to actually write on a regular basis, to keep track of my life. Maybe I'm just a masochist. Maybe I just can't resist any opportunity to look at myself and say "here's another thing at which you've failed." Healthy, really.

So, here's what's happening now:

Current rotation: anesthesia. Haaaate. At least it's a good group. Otherwise, haaaate.

Currently should be: Studying for boards. Working on internship applications. Asking for recommendations for internships. Cleaning my room.

Currently convinced I will: Fail boards. Not get an internship. Not have the courage to even ask for recommendations, much less find three people who are willing to write them for me. Be a really terrible vet, given that I'm more than halfway through my rotations and still feel like I know nothing. Live in squalor forever, and eventually be eaten by a giant dust bunny.

Good things: Crazy Cat and BJ sat peacefully on the couch together today. I'm pretty sure no animals have died as a direct result of being in my care. Have not had complete nervous breakdown (only little ones). May have lost weight (not sure - don't own a scale).

Music I am currently vaguely obsessed with: Fall Out Boy. Ok Go.

New TV show I like: Heroes.