Monday, November 14, 2005

Sometimes I think I'm really boring

Reading over my last post, I find myself whiny, annoying, and generally uninteresting. While I'm still in a pretty awful mood, I'm going to try not to whine too much today. I've got a cat purring in my lap, so things just can't be that bad. Our spay dog from last week was adopted this weekend - I'm so glad that she's not living in a cage anymore. I'm going to try once again to post a picture of her:
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Oh good, it appears to be working. Isn't she cute? Check out those muscles!

And while we're at it, here's our first spay dog, on which I was the primary surgeon. I don't know what happened to her, but I'm sure she's been adopted by now. They do a pretty good job of getting these girls into new homes. The picture totally doesn't do her justice, but here she is:
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Trying to be positive. Looking at these dogs whose lives I've been able to touch makes me feel a little better about myself. Plus, I did surgery and the dog survived. So that's cool.

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