Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Originally uploaded by superfigment
I graduated. Which means I'm a doctor. Which means people might actually listen to me. Which is terrifying. On the other hand, I can't legally do anything until I get my license. Oh well.

Internship starts in 20 days. Not sure if I'll write about that - too many concerns about patient confidentiality, don't want to piss anyone off by writing about them, etc. That's why I haven't written all year... anything I want to say has the potential to be seen by someone who shouldn't see it.

In the meantime... Happy to be back in NYC. 10 year Hunter reunion this weekend. Half-assedly trying not to be too fat, but I figure it's at a bar and it should be dark. Excited to see what's become of everyone. Then graduation party. Then off to Ireland for a little solo vacation.

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