Saturday, October 22, 2005

Everyone else is doing it

I've been thinking about starting one of these blog things for a while, but every time I got close to signing up, something stopped me. Do I really want people reading this? What if no one reads it? How much can I reveal? Should I use it as a journal (since I'm terrible at keeping an actual written journal), and just not tell anyone about it? What if no one cares?

This kind of thought process keeps me from getting anything done, ever. Stupid brain.

Anyway, with 29 med/surg lectures to study for Monday morning's exam, this seemed like the perfect time to get started. I've spent countless hours reading the blogs of strangers, and I'm ready to become yet another voice in the internet wilderness.

So who am I? A native New Yorker living in West Philly. A third year veterinary student, a little freaked out by the prospect of actually being a doctor in less than two years. Okay, a lot freaked out. Owner of Crazy Cat, the cutest little weirdo ever. Irredeemable procrastinator.

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